Before you invest in new or improved security capabilities, you need to understand your risks. Whether you’re in charge of enterprise-wide security, 管理关键基础设施的安全性, or handle 行政保护 or special event security, 评估风险是很重要的, 您面临的威胁和漏洞.
彩宝网平台帮助彩宝网领导者, international corporations and other major public and private entities meet this challenge. We combine deep security risk management expertise to lead, 计划, design and implement complex security engagements around the world.
We align your capabilities with the leading research, methodologies and protocols engaged by the U.S. agencies responsible for protecting the President and other foreign leaders. Our services include independent security studies to satisfy IRS Title 26 requirements; assessments of 行政保护 capabilities; executive residential and major event security; technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM); management of travel risks; and monitoring of corporate risk.
彩宝网平台提供定制的风险评估, threats and vulnerabilities your business or agency faces, as well as your security capabilities — in terms of your assets, 操作, 优先事项和资源. You will achieve better security and safety outcomes, target new operational efficiencies and define winning strategies for managing costs while controlling risks. 彩宝网平台的服务包括风险评估, threats and vulnerabilities; security 操作 and programs; and physical and technical security protecting facilities.
建立, 或改善, security risk management capabilities will help you better manage risk, control costs and achieve critical business or agency objectives. 服务 include strategic security development and 计划ning; strategy formation; creation of internal security annual reports that communicate key messaging to executives and other employees; and full-service corporate security outsourcing.
We’ll help you take an all-hazards approach — from mitigation and preparedness to response and recovery — and apply these to your 计划ning for emergencies and crises as well as business and operational continuity.
Meet and level up your employees’ security-related training, from in-house security professionals and staff to all employees. We develop and deliver training curriculums and support materials, either with in-person or personalized content for your Learning Management System (LMS). Topics include active shooter/assailant awareness and response, 应急准备, 业务的连续性, 危机管理, 行政保护, 安全意识.
工商管理学士学位; 刑事司法, 美国国际协会会员
各位校友,国家情报学院校友, 创意领导中心校友 Past Voting Member, Interagency Telephone Working Group, Past Member, National Technical Investigators Association (NATIA), Past Liaison Member, Great Lakes Bomb Technicians, 国家中心用户组前任成员 DMS-100用户组的前任成员
Member, American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), AA,计算机科学
领导力与管理. 经验丰富的执法人员, 研究生